Malawi just the beginning
The idea of a mission trip has always been on the back burner of my mind for years. Always "that thing that I should totally do someday" and this summer I just decided life waits for no one lets go for it! Okay it definetely wasn't that easy a lot of research and prayer leading up to that realization, but here I am gearing up for a two week trip starting the end of September of this year to Malawi, Africa.I quickly realized I didn't want this to be the blog post I rushed into writing and so after many rewrites from what I assumed I knew going into the trip, I instead wanted to share a glimpse into the beginning of all I have been learning as Kingdom Workers prepares me and my group for an Immersion trip to Malawi, Africa.Immersion trip..huh? Immersion because the goals are different from what we typically call a mission trip. We aren't building things but building relationships. Building by encouraging and blessing those who's work doesn't stop when we leave. Specifically for this trip we will be working with volunteers to help them as the work with children with disabilities and encouraging them all along the way. Also in fellowship growing with fellow believers from across the ocean; how incredible will that be! What I have heard is there will be group bible studies, worship services, and the opportunity to help volunteers with vacation bible school.And it's NOT about what we can teach them but what we ourselves can learn. Now when I heard this I selfishly kept thinking of personal growth until it hit home that Malawi isn't the goal but just the beginning of the process of really understanding poverty, a culture and history, and learning from those who normally would be strangers an ocean away but for two weeks are going to be in my life everyday! The final step that I will be working on for a while is after growing in the understanding of poverty and to then apply it and keep the ball moving that it doesn't end with this experience.Because the most mind blowing thing I have learned so far is that we are all actually poor. Poverty isn't just about a lack of material goods though that can be a part of it. It's actually about brokenness and shame, and being poor is experiencing brokenness in the relationships of life: with God, self, others, and creation, and we all experience this.So what I'm most excited about is that going into this opportunity is that we are not as different in some of the most important ways. Brokenness and the faith that says that our same brokenness is healed through all Christ has done for us. I truly can't wait!For updates or if you are interested in giving towards this mission check out my Kingdom Workers page here! I will also be photographing throughout this amazing experience and cannot wait to share! As always I so greatly appreciate all your support and prayers you are all so wonderful and I am so thankful for you.Have a wonderful day!-Sophia