Aurora Borealis

This is our view from outside of Mankato. It was an incredible experience that I was blessed to share with my sister and my wonderful husband. It was amazing in many different ways; the first being that my sister had never seen the northern lights and I got to share in her excitement and witness her reactions. The second, that I have only seen the northern lights one other time and they were never that strong, waving through the air and spiraling overhead in a swirly fashion. Finally that a little over a year ago, at the same farm drive on the same road, my husband asked me to spend the rest of my life with him under these same lights. It's clear why the northern lights would be considered as one of the seven wonders of the world and I hope everyone gets the chance to witness such a display.Enjoy!photocrati galleryNext Goal: Meet them around Canada


A Wedding in the Park


A Beautiful Afternoon