A Heartfelt Welcome!
Welcome to my Blog!! This is where my thoughts, life lessons, and imagery come together. My name is Sophia Abbey and I am here to share my thoughts, encouragements, and my imagery with the world. Capturing moments. A very wise friend once told me life is a composition of many moments and as we grow, laugh, and cry we develop into figures that God has ultimately established us to be. I want to capture and document these moments so when passing generations look back they will see faces of relatives captured in their timely essence knowing their personality and sharing in their joy. My goal as an artist is to tell your story and share it.As I go throughout life it astounds me how God works through us in our vocations. I know God gives us abilities for special vocations in life and at this time in my life I am following the vocation of being a wife and a photographer. I hope that I can continue in this path, but for now I am just excited to start the journey! I'm so excited to present Sophia Aasa Photography and can't wait for all the adventures ahead. Thanks for all your support and check back for more posts to come!-Sophia