Other Bloggers

I am so thankful but also extremely jealous for the wonderful bloggers and online resources out there, who share their insights and life experiences with the world. Lately I have been searching through many blogs and websites and found a few favorites that I want to share with you all.

  1. Phlearn- This website is spectacular for photographers and anyone interested in learning editing and really any photography tips. They are great a reference to revisit and learn from and the host always seems to be excited which makes it all fun.
  2. Miles&Miles: This is just a personal favorite that focuses on a couple traveling the world. They include stories and imagery that I personally love and also envy. So check out Miles & Miles!  http://miles-miles.com/photos-digital/
  3. Braid Creative- This is a website for two sisters who began a creative business. They have a blog and email out newsletters that cover different aspects of being in the creative business. They address situations that some may think are rare but are actually very common while giving insight on how to deal and work in such a business. It is always a fun and insightful read, and they are now adding a podcast. From this blog, I take away the power of sharing your thoughts and experiences because there are probably thousands of people going through the same thing and we can help each other grow creatively by sharing. Thanks Braid Creative!
  4. Snappy Casual—Another personal favorite, this local blogger is so wonderful and the stories she shares are so sincere and very fun to read. Her blog posts are very personal which is refreshing to me as she documents the fun life events that others wouldn't think to write about. Thanks Snappy Casual Blogger! http://www.snappycasualblog.com/
  5. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: Not a blog or website but a really great movie so you should just watch it.

Check out all of these fun websites and the one movie and comment if you have any others that you love. I would love to add to my favorites.Sophia


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